Caring soap with honey, chamomile and yarrow

Preparation time: 20 minutes to 3 days :) - Level of difficulty: easy


- 200g Glycerin soap

-> Glycerin soap is often called raw soap and is excellent for mixing with herbs or oils, etc.

- 2 tablespoons honey
- 100ml water
- 5-6 fresh yarrow heads
- 1 teaspoon dried yarrow
- a handful of fresh chamomile flowers
- 1 teaspoon dried chamomile flowers
- 1 tablespoon almond or coconut oil
- pot, filter, soap dishes and stirrers

handgemachte Seife

Seife mit Kamillenblüte

Seife mit Schafgarbe


Crush the fresh chamomile and yarrow flowers and then pour water over them and add the honey.

The mixture must then be kept in the refrigerator for 3 days and then filtered. You can either use a coffee filter or, if a certain turbidity does not bother you, a very tightly meshed tea strainer.

Now you can melt the glycerine soap in a pot. The soap starts to melt at a temperature of about 40-50 degrees.

As soon as the soap has liquefied, you can add the liquid and oil and stir well.

Now you can take the liquid soap from the stove, stir in the dried and crushed flowers and then pour it directly into the moulds. You don't necessarily have to use soap dishes for this, but there are many different possibilities. For example, silicone baking moulds, washed yoghurt or curd cups work.

When the soap has cooled down a bit, put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days until it has solidified completely.

As an alternative to chamomile and yarrow flowers you can also use our wild herbs.

In our shop you will find Salbei, Thymian, Rosmarin and rockrose herb from wild collection. These are excellent for homemade soaps.