Shower jelly "Shower-Power" with sea blue spirulina powder

Preparation time: 90 minutes - Difficulty level: medium

Ingredients approx. 15 pieces in silicone mold size:
- 100 g water
- ½ - 1 tsp spirulina extract powder
- 10 g agar-agar
- 1 tbsp soy yoghurt
- 10 drops of essential oil of your choice (e.g. ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, bergamot, orange, lavender)
- If you like, you can add fresh flower petals, here it is mallow

Shower gel with blue spirulina

Spirulina extract phycocyanin - blue spirulina for short - really is a powerhouse. It contains a variety of vital substances, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and antioxidants. These help your skin to stay healthy and radiant with their anti-ageing properties. The precious ingredient phycocyanin is found exclusively in spirulina and, as its most important phyto-pigment, gives it its bluish color, while green spirulina contains more chlorophyll.
Agar-agar is a plant-based gelling agent made from seaweed and gives this shower gel its firm consistency. You will need silicone or ice cube molds with any motif.
Have fun with your sea blue shower jelly!

How to make it:

Heat the water to lukewarm in a saucepan and stir in the phycocyanin. This works well with a manual milk frother or small whisk. Add the agar-agar and bring to the boil on the stove, stirring constantly. Your saucepan should be large enough as the mixture will foam and increase in volume during the cooking time.
Remove from the heat and leave to cool, then add the soy yogurt, scent and stir. If you are using flowers, put them in the molds first and fill them with the jelly mixture. Leave to cool and store in the fridge. The shelf life is approx. 14 days.

To use, simply spread over your body in the shower.

Blue spirulina shower gel on hand

Blue spirulina shower gel in molds