"Cold dog" with cocoa & guarana powder

Preparation time: 45 min - Difficulty: easy

    • Vegan - Lactose-free

- loaf pan, baking paper
- 250 g Palmin coconut fat
- 150 g plain chocolate coating vegan
- 150 ml vegetable drink
- 50 g cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp Guaranapowder
- 250 g powdered sugar
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 350 g butter cookies vegan
- decoration: Goji Berries & Bee Pollen (Bio)

pimped with goji berries & flower pollen" src="/out/pictures/master/cms/1/kalterhund2.webp">


Melt all ingredients except the butter cookies in a saucepan, stirring constantly.

Line a loaf pan with baking paper or plastic wrap.

Starting with the chocolate mixture, fill the pan alternately layer by layer with the cookies.

Finish with chocolate and sprinkle with decorations.

Allow to cool in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours, remove from the paper and cut into finger-thick slices.