Buckwheat berry tart with barley grass juice powder cream

  • Gluten free

Preparation time: 90 minutes - Difficulty level: medium

Ingredients for the sponge base:
- 8 eggs separately
- 150 g buckwheat flour
- 50 g ground almonds
- 200 g raw cane sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- a little coconut oil or butter to grease the sides of the baking tin
Ingredients for the filling:
- 400 ml cream
- 1 p. cream stiffener - 1 vanilla sugar - 1-2 tbsp barley grass juice powder - 500 g fresh berries of your choice (some for decoration). cream stiffener
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 1-2 tbsp barley grass juice powder
- 500 g fresh berries of your choice (set some aside for decoration)
Other ingredients for the topping:
- 200 ml cream
- 1 p. cream stiffener
- some barley grass powder
- 3 tbsp sliced almonds or chopped pistachios

Buckwheat cake with barley grass juice powder

Choose your berries according to taste and season. This fantastically delicious cake goes well with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. You will need a springform pan with a diameter of 24 cm and baking paper to line the base. The sponge base can also be prepared the day before.

Preparing the sponge base::

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Separate the eggs in 2 clean, grease-free bowls and beat the egg yolks with the sugar until frothy, then fold in the ground almonds. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff and fold into the egg yolk and almond mixture, alternating with the buckwheat flour.
Pour the batter into a greased springform pan lined with baking paper and leave to rest briefly. Bake in the middle of the oven at 160-175 degrees convection oven for approx. 35-40 minutes until golden brown and then leave to cool thoroughly on a wire rack.

Preparation of filling & topping:

Whip the cream with the vanilla sugar and cream stiffener until semi-firm and carefully trickle in the barley grass juice powder and season to taste. Then chill the cream briefly. Now do the same with the amount of cream for the topping. It is simply easier to work in these small portions. Of course, you can also whip 600 ml of cream in one go and then divide it up.
While the cream is cooling, wash and clean the strawberries and cut them into small pieces. Fold them into the filling cream.

You will need the rest of the cream and about 6 halved strawberries for decoration.

Continue with the sponge base, which you now cut in half horizontally once and place the underside of the base on a cake plate. Place the springform pan rim around it and fill it with the barley and strawberry cream and smooth it out.
Now place the top cake base on top, remove the springform pan and spread the remaining cream on your cake. Use a piping bag to pipe on dollops of cream if desired, top each with a strawberry half and sprinkle with almonds or pistachios.
A summer dream!

Buckwheat cake

Buckwheat cake close-up